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Verona Bass from United Kingdoms, 13 July 2015
This story had me in tears, it was so beautifully done. I cried for its strange beauty and the inevitability of the outcome. These two performers work magic with their shows.
Triny Rowland from UK, 09 July 2015
Do any of my friends fancy joining us in Wales late August for a few days to see all four shows of this beyond brilliant travelling theatre company? Milly? Sam? others? the video is french but they perform also in english...they are the almost impossible to find old school rarity of actor/musician/acrobat. Delightful. We'll be camping somewhere beautiful with the van. 
Oh thankyou! - making hearts sing is definitely your forte! There is little that is more inspiring to me than what you are doing. As a child I used to watch footsbarn theatre and dream of living such a life...next time! Merci for your talent and dedication for spreading magic in the world. 
TGN LYON from Avignon, 04 July 2015
Sans esbroufe ni paillettes, ces saltimbanques au grand coeur sèment leurs graines de bonheur.
Amy M from Utrecht, Netherlands, 15 June 2015
I loved the show so much. My daughters and I were completely captivated by Hansje en Grietje. My only complaint is that we sat in the third row and the people in front of us were taking pictures with a toy camera and video with an iphone and the digital screens from these devices were very distracting to us (especially to my daughters), as well as to the others around us. After this went on for some time (there was also a clicking noise from the toy digital camera) I told the parent that we were being annoyed and she put it away. I would like to suggest that not only should flash photography be forbidden at shows, but that all phones and cameras should be put away. Your performances are important enough that the audience should be completely present in the moment---it will never be the same on camera.
Marina Guzenko from St.Petersburg, 04 May 2015
I would like to thank you for warm and kind mood which you presented to me at the performance Hansel And Gretel.
I hope that it was pleasant to you in Russia and you visit us again.
Inspiration and progress to you!
P.S. Thanks for pechen'ka (ginger cookies)
Patricia Mit Familie from Stuttgart , 22 April 2015
Auch wir waren von euren Vorstellungen in Kirchheim begeistert und freuen uns schon darauf, wenn ihr im Mai nach Stuttgart kommt. Alles Gute bis dahin Patricia
Konrad Neander from Stuttgart, 20 April 2015
Liebe Nicole, lieber Martin,
Wir haben haben euer Spektakel (in Kirchheim / Teck) mit großem Vergnügen und Respekt genossen !!! Bravo für eure wirklich grandiosen Leistungen, eingepackt in poetisch und vor allem sehr liebevolle Details in der erzählten und gespielten Form !!! Wir werden an der weiteren Entwicklung eures Märchen-Unternehmens Interesse zeigen und wir wünschen euch Glück für die Engegements und vor allem beste Gesundheit !
Noch eine kleine Anregung : In eurem Prospekt (flyer) ist der deutsche Text zwar gut gestaltet, ist jedoch voller kleiner Fehler in puncto Zeichensetzung. Das sollte korrigiert werden.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen Konrad und Anne Neander