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martin smith from lydney, 08 August 2012
well done what a mesmerising show my daughter and i enjoyed every minute the storytelling was captivating as was the acrobatic skills and musicianship will definitely come again
Elizabeth Carrington from Ireland, 08 August 2012
Hello, I am delighted to find here a way to say thankyou again. My daughter and I came to Callan and saw the musicians of Bremen. It was some of the most beautifully spent moments. I was so in awe of your art form, and how it has formed, how refined and brilliant. How kind you are to share with us your gifts and your expressions of story. We have read the musicians of Bremen many times, and will now have this unforgettable imagery, your faces in all their splendid contortions and the grace in your joy of performing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
XX Elizabeth and Madeleine.
caroline Sniter from Montréal, Québec, CANADA, 07 August 2012
Bonjour à toute la petite famille
Votre projet de vie, votre créativité, votre sens de la poésie et de l'harmonie.. font chavirer mon âme...
Ce que vous faites est ce que j'aurais aimé faire dans ma vie si j'avais rencontré le compagnon... je suis musicienne ambulante , pas si loin...
Vos roulotte, votre chapiteau, vos savants mélanges d'instruments, de folles acrobaties, de mime... me font rêver
Je n'ai qu'un seul regret : que vous ne passiez jamais la mer pour venir faire une tournée au Québec ! Merci de m'aviser si cela était....
Bonne route,
Charles Cowan from Kings Langley, 18 July 2012
Well it's true. Once upon a time we are transported in a canvass cloud to join in the life of a fisherman and his wife living contentedly in a small hut with a hole in it's roof. This is where the play begins and ends but, in between, the story is woven with such fine thread that it is impossible not to be enchanted and with such physical craft, skill and poise that it's impossible not to be enthralled. We live in a magical world where there are perfect props for our imagination to take hold with beautifully balanced movement and musical rhythms to carry us along.
Lynda Lawrence from Wales, 07 July 2012
Hello Nicole and Martin,
I saw you at Beyond the Border festival. I wasn't going to come in as the Musicians of Bremman was never one of my favourite stories, but I'm so glad I did. You were absolutely mesmerising. Funny, clever staging, astounding physicality. I've told everyone about you and really hope to see you again at the forest of dean in August.
Congratulations on a brilliant show.
Verona Bass from Beyond teh Border Festival, Wales, 03 July 2012
Dear Nicole and Martin,
The first show I saw was the Musicians of Bremen and I loved the clever use of few props, the humour, whe way you engaged gently and kindly with any audience participants. Of course, your skill at juggling and acrobatics was phenomenal.
To my sorrow I missed The Girl with no Hands Show. I managed to get into The Fisherman and his Wife [despite the long queue! ] I now can still not explain to myself why that show so affected me! (I spoke to you, Martin, briefly and told you in the bar, but could not speak as I wanted to cry). It was the essence of theatre that is embodied in what you offer, and in the gentle music as you invite us in, you explain that we are given this space to enjoy. As the story unfolded I was childlike in my reaction, and was completely taken by the drama, to the inevitable conclusion, which we all know,,,It was transformative. I thank you for this wonderful experience. I have just turned seventy, and this has been a Gift.
Janine Amos from Bristol, England, 02 July 2012
Your shows this weekend at Beyond the Border Festival were breathtakingly beautiful and inspirational. You deserved every single clap of your two standing ovations.
Thank you.