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Maarten Steinbuch from Helmond, 02 September 2012
thank you for your inspiring and impressive performance today in Driebergen, me and my family really enjoyed it!
Mendel van Griethuysen from Utrecht, Netherlands, 01 September 2012
Dear Nicole et Martin
your show is in one word "phenomenal" beautiful and moving.
hope your cute son will still participate with the same integrity in the future.
next time we have the chance, we definitely will visit your show again for another fairy tale.
Mendel van Griethuysen from Utrecht, Netherlands, 01 September 2012
Dear Nicole et Martin
your show is in one word "phenomenal" beautiful and moving.
hope your cute son will still participate with the same integrity in the future.
next time we have the chance, we definitely will visit your show again for another fairy tail.
Ernieke Huijnen from Rotterdam, 26 August 2012
Es war einfach fenomenal, spitze und
unübertrefflich! Humorvoll für kinder und erwachsene und sehr sehr schön!
margo huibers from the netherlands, 24 August 2012
dear nicole et martin and all the other members of this theatre. on wednesday 22 of august i was so lucky to join your show. wow! i want to say: thank you, merci, danke vielmals, for this wonderful moment. the girl without hands....your hearts and love was noticeble during this tale and was a gift to whitness. wishing you all the best and love all around you. margo
Danny Chapman from Oxford, 13 August 2012
We were totally captivated by your beautiful storytelling.at two of your shows at the Beyond the Border festival, but were so disappointed not to get in to the third we made a big trip to see you again at Lydney. Very happy memories - looking forward to the next time.
Ori Pelz from Israel, 13 August 2012
Hello to Nicole, Martin and the team,

During our family vacation in Ireland, we saw in Callan camphill the "Musicians of Bremen".

It was an amazing experience to see and feel your work using to the arts of theatre, music, circus and juggling.

Most and the best of all was to see the way you make people happy and smile :-)

Many thanks and we hope to see you one day in Israel,
Ori and family.